Module 2: Speaking — Berry Writing Group

Speaking to Get Things Done


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This module teaches participants how to communicate ideas quickly, clearly, and concisely while giving powerful presentations that get results.

Participants learn how to organize the content of technical presentations. They learn the elements and construction of a formal presentation. We then show participants how to build upon their own natural speaking styles. Along with practicing their platform skills, participants can practice “making a point” in shorter presentations and “building a case” in longer presentations.

It’s one of the most important skills that any manager should have. Many times you see many great business ideas not making it because they’re poorly written or because your audience does not understand what you want to communicate.
— Avinash Malshe, Assistant Marketing Professor, University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business


  • Organize ideas in a coherent, meaningful structure that is easy to follow
  • Carry the listener from one idea to another
  • Become aware of distracting mannerisms and how to deal with them
  • Use the voice effectively
  • Use breathing techniques which give control and power to the speaker
  • Use the body to give emphasis to what is being said
  • Make the speaking experience enjoyable