About the Instructor
Since completing his graduate degree from Yale University, Stan Berry has devoted over 3 decades to improving the productivity of tens of thousands of business and government professionals with his Executive Communication Program. Stan’s unique and energetic approach to teaching makes the classes engaging and fun. Stan has also authored five books on business writing that he uses in his seminars.
Stan’s fascination with clear writing began at age 13 when his mother, a poet and writer, and father, an English teacher, began critiquing his school papers. Soon after, he knew he wanted to be a teacher while watching his father teach effective writing to engineers at Honeywell, Control Data, Medtronic, General Mills, and 3M.
“Mr. Berry is among the elite group of teachers who knows how to present his topic so students can apply the techniques to their work AND who can teach in an entertaining manner.”
Stan has a Bachelor’s of Science in education from the University of Minnesota and a Master’s of Arts and Religion from Yale University. He’s been a member of ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) since 1975 when he served on the Board of Directors for the Twin Cities Chapter.