Fast-Track Curricula: Writing & Speaking — Berry Writing Group

Fast-Track Curricula:
Writing & Speaking to Get things Done


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Module 1: Writing to Get Things Done® (WGTD) and Module 2: Speaking to Get Things Done, when coupled together, are a powerful, transformational experience that unleashes participants’ potential to be the dynamic communicators they envision themselves to be.

This three-day bootcamp improves the actual on-the-job writing and speaking skills required for successful leadership. The real power of our Fast-Track curricula is that people learn to get to the point quickly and clearly. 

The biggest benefit this program gave us is practical street knowledge that we were able to apply immediately.
— S. Renee Svendson, Manager


The skills/concepts provided in this program teach people to present their ideas clearly to get things done in all business communications, regardless of length or medium.


  • Clarify thoughts before writing
  • Separate the readers’ needs from the writer’s needs
  • Use the inverted-pyramid principle of organization
  • Use a listing paragraph format to highlight key ideas
  • Use the language of getting things done vs. business speak
  • Develop a professional tone that encourages cooperation
  • Use our three models of organization for all business writing
  • Write technical information to non-technical people
  • Use professional Standard American English


  • Organize ideas in a coherent, meaningful structure that is easy to follow
  • Carry the listener from one idea to another
  • Become aware of distracting mannerisms and how to deal with them
  • Use the voice effectively
  • Use breathing techniques that give control and power to the speaker
  • Use the body to give emphasis to what is being said
  • Make the speaking experience enjoyable